I am Samar (pronounced as Summer or /ˈsʌmə(ɹ)/), a PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania. I work under the supervision of Prof. Alejandro Ribeiro. My research interests focus on graph learning, generative modeling and optimization.
Reach out at selaraby (at) seas (dot) upenn (dot) edu.
Aug. 2024: Our new paper Robust stochastically-descending unrolled networks was accepted to IEEE transactions on Signal Processing.
June 2024: Gave a Talk, Robust unrolled networks, at BIRS workshop.
Oct. 2023: Presented a poster at the 2023 Fall Fourier Talks at University of Maryland.
July 2023: Presented a poster at the institute for learning-enabled optimization at scale (TILOS) at UCSD.
May 2023: A new pre-print, Stochastic unrolled federated learning, is out.
May 2023: A short talk for Space-time graph neural networks with stochastic graph perturbations is now available.
Feb. 2023: Our paper Space-time graph neural networks with stochastic graph perturbations was accepted to ICASSP 2023.
Oct. 2022: A new pre-print is out, Space-time graph neural networks with stochastic graph perturbations.
Apr. 2022: Our paper Space-time graph neural networks was accepted to ICLR 2022. A five-minute talk is now available.